Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Feast of the Holy Family

Prayer to the Holy Family
Lord Jesus Christ, who,
being made subject to Mary and Joseph,
didst consecrate domestic life by Thine ineffable virtues;
grant that we,
with the assistance of both,
may be taught by the example of Thy holy Family
and may attain to its everlasting fellowship.
Who livest and reignest, world without end.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Our Lady of Bistrica

The miraculous statue of the Blessed Virgin & the Christ Child that is enshrined in the city of Marija Bistrica in central Croatia is known as Our Lady of Bistrica, Queen of Croatia. The statue of late Gothic design is the work of an anonymous artist. The statue was first placed in the ancient shrine in Vinski Vrh in 1499. When the Turks advanced on the town, the frightened villagers buried the statue in Marija Bistrica for safekeeping. In 1588 it was rediscovered and given a place of honor. After a short time, it was then walled into the church and discovered for the second time in 1685. The statue is the beloved symbol of the Croation people and is revered as Queen of Croatia. She is considered a Black Madonna, and in 1923 the church was designated a minor basilica. It was also during this year that the Archbishop of Zagreb placed golden crowns upon the heads of the Madonna & Child. The Shrine of Our Lady of Bistrica honored on October 3, 1998, when Pope John Paul II visited the Shrine.

Prayer to the Mother of God of Bistrica
Mother of God of Bistrica, you have chosen in your motherly goodness in our Croatian Zagorje the place, after yourself Marija Bistrica. Here your sore-active statue is revered. Here the sanctum in you is your children with your mercy covers. Here you cure the spiritual and bodily wounds of the earthly silent sufferers and fulfil the wishes that which turn full trust to you. You know all my spiritual and bodily needs. To you as mother of Christ and my mother I have decided to come to open to you my heart and to confide you with my wishes. You, mother of Christ and my mother who has never rejected somebody in her goodness hears me generously. Amen

This Author Needs Your Help!!!

Hi Everyone & blessings to you All,
I don't really want to ask this, but it's bothering me. I have been in the process of writing a book for the past year on the apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Pontmain, France on January 17 1871. Well, this is a relativley unknown apparition in the United States, let me tell you. There are barely any publications on her, but I'm finding things that are helping. I'm pretty sure it's going to be TAN that is going to publish this book. I'm asking if ANYONE out there has any images from books/ Holy Cards of Our Lady of Pontmain. I've found the information for the book, now I just need to have some nice images for it. Please, please, someone help me! Please leave me a comment or email me at
Thank You All so much, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
God Bless,

Friday, December 28, 2007

Your Mother Loves You!

"If only you knew how much I loved you, you'd cry tears of joy."
-Our Lady in her apparitions at Medjugorje.

The Light of the World has Come!

In the twenty-fourth day of the month of December; In the year five-thousand one-hundred and ninety-nine from the creation of the world, when in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; In the year two-thousand nine-hundred and fifty-seven from the flood; In the year two-thousand and fifty-one from the birth of Abraham; In the year one-thousand five-hundred and ten from the going forth of the people of Israel out of Egypt under Moses; In the year one-thousand and thirty-two from the anointing of David as king; In the sixty-fifth week according to the prophecy of Daniel; In the one-hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad; In the year seven-hundred and fifty-two from the foundation of the city of Rome; In the forty-second year of the reign of the Emperor Octavian Augustus; In the sixth age of the world, while the whole earth was at peace —JESUS CHRIST eternal God and the Son of the eternal Father, willing to consecrate the world by His gracious coming, having been conceived of the Holy Ghost, and the nine months of His conception being now accomplished, (all kneel) was born in Bethlehem of Judah of the Virgin Mary, made man. The birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the flesh.
-From the Roman Martyrology's entry for Christmas day.
This Holy Card was used with kind permission from a good friend. :)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

I'm going to be gone on a trip until the twenty sixth, so to everyone out there:
Let us all joyfully celebrate Christ's birth!

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent!

Almighty and loving God, soon the whole world will celebrate the birth of your Son, Jesus. Even as we rejoice in our remembrance of his birth at Bethlehem, we find greater comfort in his promise to come again.May our preparations for this wondrous season remain with us, increase in us, and become as much a part of us as our breathing and our heartbeat. Then may we say,"Come, Lord Jesus, we are ready."Amen.